Pressure washers have become a popular and versatile tool for cleaning various surfaces. Here are some properties and features of such devices:
1. Performance: Pressure washers come in different performance levels, measured in bar (bar). Typically they have a power rating between 80 and 200 bar, and this power determines whether they can handle a wide range of cleaning tasks. The higher the bar, the higher the water pressure, which allows you to effectively remove even the most stubborn dirt.
2. Have a water suction system: Many pressure washers have a water suction system, which allows them to work in areas where there is no direct access to running water. This is particularly useful for use on construction sites or other remote locations.
3. Equipment: Sinks usually come with a set of nozzles and connectors that allow you to select the optimal mode for a particular task. For example, there are attachments for gentle cleaning, removing dirt from concrete, washing cars and more.
4. Working principle: The high-pressure cleaner works on the principle of supplying water through a pump that generates high pressure. The water then exits through the nozzle at high speed, effectively removing dirt and impurities.
5. Application: These washing machines are widely used to clean cars, building facades, sidewalks, patios, swimming pools and many other surfaces in both private and professional areas.
When choosing a pressure washer, it is important to consider your specific needs and tasks to ensure you choose a device with the right performance and functionality.