About our return policy
Ezon , as well as commercial sellers on https://ezon-shop.com offer returns on most products within 30 days of receipt of shipment. You will find the current terms and conditions on this page.

Extended information about returns:

Note. We will issue a refund for product shipped by Ezon once the return has been processed within 14 days and confirmed by an automated email. You may see the refund on your bank or credit card statement a maximum of 7 days after the refund has been received. In certain circumstances, refund periods may be longer. For more information please visit our refund help page .
This does not in any way limit your legal right of refusal. Details of your legal right of refusal can be found in the Terms and Conditions of Sale . Information about your right of refusal for Marketplace sellers can be found in their Returns Policy .

Please use our Returns Support Center to return your items.

Note. Please note that you must return each item in the same condition in which you received it. This means that new items must be returned new, unused and in full condition. Used items must not have any additional signs of use or damage.
Our Return Guarantee is subject to the same exceptions as the right of refusal. Therefore, the following products cannot be returned under the Return Guarantee (unless they are defective):

Goods that are not returnable for health or hygiene reasons and whose packaging has been removed after delivery or by their nature have been inextricably mixed with other products after delivery.
Audio or video recordings or computer software in sealed packaging where the seal has been removed after delivery.
Goods made to customer specifications or specially tailored to personal needs, especially including personalized products.
Products that may spoil quickly or whose shelf life may be quickly exceeded.

Note. Please note that, as stated in our Returns Policy, returned goods must be in the same condition in which they were received. This means that new merchandise must be returned in the same condition in which you received it from ezon (including all accessories).
Erroneous returns
Please make sure you enclose the correct and complete item when returning it. You must return the correct item to receive a refund.

If you have accidentally sent the wrong item to Ezon, please contact customer service as soon as possible as EZON does not store incorrectly sent items. Ezon cannot guarantee that your item will be found and returned and no compensation is provided for incorrect items sent to EZON.

Deletion of personal data
When returning goods for any reason, you must do so under the same terms and conditions under which you received them from EZON. In this respect, you must completely delete, remove and destroy all personal data relating to you and/or any third party that may be present on the same item, and you must also unlock any account that may have been linked to the same item. You will be solely responsible for any data leakage that may occur if you fail to do so. You must remove from the returned item and from the box containing it any item not related to the returned item as originally received from our store. W is not responsible for any such items mistakenly left by you inside the returned goods or in the box containing the returned goods. You agree and accept that the returned product will become the property of EZON and that it therefore has the right to sell it to third parties at EZON's sole discretion.

Note. EZON SHOP may sell certain products in unsealed boxes, for example, because that is the way we receive them. When returning these products to EZON, you must send them back in the same condition in which you received them, without any stamp, otherwise you may be held liable for any data breach or other adverse consequences.